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For all publications and other disclosures made by EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW AG) and the other companies of the EnBW Group – irrespective of whether they are issued in print, on websites or another electronic form – please take into consideration the following important notes:

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No offer or investment recommendation

Our publications are prepared for information purposes only. They do not constitute an offer, an invitation or a recommendation to purchase or sell securities and other financial instruments issued by EnBW AG, a company of the EnBW Group or any other company. Our publications do not constitute a request, solicitation or recommendation to vote or give consent. All descriptions, examples and calculations in the publications are for illustrative purposes only.

Forward-looking statements

Our publications can contain forward-looking statements which are based on current assumptions, plans, estimates and forecasts made by management. Forward-looking statements of this kind are therefore only valid at the time they were first published. Forward-looking statements are indicated by the context, but may also be identified by the use of the words “can”, “will”, “should”, “plans”, “intends”, “expects”, “thinks”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “potential”, “continued” and similar expressions.

By nature, forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that cannot be controlled or accurately predicted by us. Actual events, future results, the financial position, development or performance of EnBW AG and the companies of the EnBW Group may therefore diverge considerably from the forward-looking statements made in this report. Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed nor can any liability otherwise be assumed by EnBW AG and the companies of the EnBW Group that these forward-looking statements will prove complete, correct or precise, or that expected and forecast results will actually be achieved in the future.

No obligation to update the information

Our publications refer to the relevant time period specified therein. EnBW AG and the companies of the EnBW Group assume no obligation of any kind to update the information contained in publications or to adjust or otherwise update forward-looking statements to future events or developments.

Insofar as publications are issued in German and also in other languages, the German version is always authoritative in cases of doubt.

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG